AI Predicting the Future?

As we know, AI is something that I have been interested in for some time. I believe that artificial intelligence is the way forward and that it will be a vital part of all of our lives sooner rather than later.
With this in mind, you can imagine that I was intrigued by headlines stating that AI is able to predict the future. Yesterday, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Germany asked artificially intelligent software if it could predict how AI would progress over the next five years.
The software is able to make predictions by studying years worth of scientific papers about itself. It was almost 100% correct about itself and was also able to give further insight into what was to come.
Leading the research was Mario Krenn. He led the study with a team of colleagues from all over the world. Their papers suggest that AI has great potential that is yet to be unleashed.
You might think that it would make sense to ask AI to predict things such as the end of the world. Instead, the researchers thought it important to ask it questions regarding science that could assist with future studies and development.
Going forward, it is hoped that this will be the beginning of a way to research and study the future and what needs to occur to ensure that innovation and development occur smoothly.
Researchers finished discussing the software by saying: "Better predictions of new future research directions will be a crucial component of more advanced research suggestion tools".
What do you think about the development of artificial intelligence? Do think it is something to look forward to or should progression be slowed down?
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Find out more about Tej Kohli: Tej Kohli the technologist investing in human triumph, Tej Kohli the philanthropist trying to cure the developing world of cataracts and Tej Kohli the London tycoon with a generous streak.
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